See edit and view modes at same time?

Hi, Just getting starting with the training, my background is traditional development and we’re evaluating Mendix.  One of the big marketing/selling points is the apparent X-times more productive.  For web page development, I’m used to having something like VSCode open and every change I make (text/HTML/CSS) appearing/updating straight away in any web browser I have open.  Is there something similar in Mendix?  I see there is an edit/view mode but they are separate screens that I need to switch between.  But there is a rendering delay that is quite jarring (as well as having to manually switch between windows).  Worse than that, what is view mode using?  I want to view the page as the users are going to see it in Chrome/Firefox/Safari (and Edge/IE, it can’t all be fun/easy). So the question is, is there a way to mimic/duplicate in Mendix what is a common web development workflow?   The manual workflow I’ve found doesn’t seem as bad as Out-Systems (another platform we’ve been looking at) but it’s definitely less productive than my current web development workflow where pages automatically update in the browsers that users are going to be using.
2 answers

When you are working locally on an already running application, and if you have changed pages/css etc. You can run your application again to get a hot deployment which will quickly update the application with the changes you’ve made and refresh your page in your browser.

So you don’t have to wait on a full deployment. And you can view the application in your browser as it’s viewed by as the user instead of the View mode.

Is that something you are looking for?


for styling in SASS we use this Gulp file

It compiles your sass and updates the page realtime.

As for mendix, i think the page just updates when you hit run locally
