How to use Javascript snippet with Jquery to interact with CKEditor

Dear Mendixers,   I'm a non-developer who needs to use the Javascript Snippet to add one Jquery function to interact with the CKEditor in my app.    However, with the available documentation I don't seem to understand how the snippet works.   Is there more info available to get this working or do you have any working example I can look at? Or how else could I get the snippet working or who can I ask?    I tried before to put the whole issue I'm working on on this forum, but then I didn't get any response.   Thanks for your help.   Kind regards,   Paul
2 answers

As a non developer you need to find a developer to make a variant of the widget with your extra function in it. CKEditor supports plugins


Giving back to there community here.

It seems impossible to directly interact with the CKeditor using the HTML or JaveScript snippet.

However, place the CKeditor in a container and you can interact with all elements in that container referencing the container's class name:

$(".mx-name-container5") // and write the rest of your code here

You can find the class name of the container by inspecting the element in the browser.

Hope this will help somebody out in the future.


