Mendix Console Licence

Hi, I have developed a new application in Mendix 6 and deployed it in Mendix Cosole as a Service. I am getting the below message once i start the service."The runtime has been started using a trial license, the framework will be terminated when the maximum time is exceeded!". There are many other applications deployed on the same server with valid licences. Can i use the same licence key for all the applications deployed on the same server/ mendix console? Thanks, Aravind
3 answers

When deploying locally, the Mendix modeler uses a "build in" trail license. You don't have to update it or need a contract with Mendix. It just works for local deployment. Limitation is that the server will terminate after 2 hrs inactivity. also the number of concurrent users is limited to 10. Which works fine for local testing. The same concept is used when deploying to a sandbox . you don't have to worry about that license, Mendix just handles it.

Though when you want to run an app permanently a license is needed. link text


You will need a new license per application per server. But it is probably a good thing to contact Mendix to see if you can mix things up?


When deploying locally, the Mendix modeler uses a "build in" trail license. You don't have to update it or need a contract with Mendix. It just works for local deployment. Limitation is that the server will terminate after 2 hrs inactivity. also the number of concurrent users is limited to 10. Which works fine for local testing. The same concept is used when deploying to a sandbox . you don't have to worry about that license, Mendix just handles it.

Though when you want to run an app permanently a license is needed. link text
