Hello, I am new to Mendix, but I did complete the rapid development learning path. So here’s my problem: Without creating any new sprints, I deleted the Get Started sprint instead of marking it as done. I should have just marked it as done as the tutorial said but I stupidly deleted it instead. So now even though I am able to create new sprints and edit them, I always get an error message (An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator). I am assuming the deletion of the Get Started sprint is the cause. If so, what do I do? If not, what is the cause? Thank you in advance!
Rachel Laskowski
3 answers
Your issue isn't related to the delete of the default sprint.
It appears that the story API is broken since last platform update.
Causing that your modeler cannot retrieve the stories when opening the model and commiting changes.
Nothing to worry about; Mendix needs to solve this. Committing and modeling is still working.
🚴René van Hofwegen🎓
Can you maybe add a screenshot (or copy paste it) of the error so we can see which error you're getting?
Kind regards,
Bryan de Wit
Bryan de Wit
I’m not getting errors anymore when creating/editing sprints. But now I have a different, possibly related problem. When I try to refresh the story in the desktop modeler, I get this message.