Develop an ERP solution in Mendix?

Dear gurus, I am new to mendix, my plan is to come out a small scale ERP solution (cloud based) and client can signup with me (subscription based). So it's like ONE ERP for N clients. Is Mendix designed to achieve such goal? Coz it's like one app install in Nth clients, each are transparent to others. What i understand in Mendix, it's more like a tool to help enterprise standard companies to create a very custom solution (and fast) rather than for freelancer/software development house to package a product and sell it away. Please correct me if i am wrong.
3 answers

There are many companies who have built a multi-tenant solution like the one you describe using Mendix. If you look in the app store, you will see a number of these. You will have architecture decisions to make, primarily around security, to enable such a model. But this is definitely something that can be built using Mendix.


Answer longer than comment allows:

If you want to charge them that way you could. However, you would need to create a separate App (model) for each customer as you cannot deploy more than one app to the Sandbox from a single Mendix business model. Also, the sandbox goes to sleep after 2 hours of non use, will wake up when someone logs in. Sandbox also doesn't give you the kind of backup and restore capabilities I think you would want if you are offering a paid service to customers.

Finally, I am not sure that this kind of usage complies with the Mendix license agreement you consented to when you created a Mendix account. However, I am not a Mendix employee, so can't confirm that.


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