GoogleService-Info.plist error when creating new phonegap build package

Hi, We need to create a new phonegap build to leverage a fix that was released at the end of January.  However, after downloading the files from mendixcloud, updating the environments, resources and script file (to add a timeout) and generating the build via node.js with the npm commands the generated zip causes an error when uploading into phonegap. Error message in phonegap - Error - The following splash screen or icon file does not exist: GoogleService-Info.plist We dont need this as we don’t utilise firebase messaging or have a licence for it. Any ideas how to get around this? Thanks, Josh 
2 answers

Hi Joshua, Mendix hybrid apps that employ push notifications can no longer be built directly using the Phonegap Build flow in the Mendix Developer Portal. If you need push then you to build locally.

If you don't need push, then  you can still use the Phonegap Build workflow and disable the push notifications.



Hi Joshua, I experienced the same problem. Building the PhoneGap Build package the normal way from the Mendix portal results in an error. After following the steps from Wilfried and deselecting push notifications, building the PhoneGap Build package the normal way works. Still, do you think this is a bug and Mendix should support push notifications in the normal way?


Build failed: Error: Source path does not exist: GoogleService-Info.plist 
Visit PhoneGap Build to see a detailed reason for the build failure.
