Mendix Graphql Support?

Does Mendix supports GraphQL REST End points? Does Mendix generates Mendix entity dynamically as per the GraphQL response? 
2 answers


I got the GraphQL endpoint for working without too much trouble.  Here’s what I did:

  1. Created  JSON Structure for the results returned by this endpoint.  in the page above, run a query and copy the resulting JSON.  In the Modeler, create a JSON Structure.  Paste the JSON into the snippet box and then click the Refresh button.
  2. Created an Import Mapping for the results.  This is what will place the results of the call into Mendix data structures.  Create an Import mapping, select the JSON Structure you created above (via the Select Elements button) and then click Map Automatically.  This will create the entities.  Here is a screen shot of my Import mapping:
  3. Create a microflow to call the GraphQL and import the results.  My microflow looks like this:
  4. The QueryString variable was created in this way:
  5. The REST Call is configured as follows:
  6. Finally, the page that displays the results looks like this

Let me know if you have any questions.





Hi, Mike. As I check this post, I would rather say I do want to find a way, not to create every entity for different REST APIs. Can we?
