Menu items in 2.5 - Previous form is closed when I click on a menu item

Hi, I would like to be able to open a form by clicking on a menu item without closing the currently active form. For instance, when I'm editing information on a project (in our Project Management App build with Mendix), I would like to be able to edit organization details without closing my project form. Is this possible? I've microflows opening the forms in popup. It seems that I'm unable to control the closing action of the current open form(s) when I click on a menu item. I'm now working around this by opening the main form in a popup as well. Popup's are not closed on clicking a menu item, but I'm not sure this is intentional. Thanks. Toon
3 answers

I don't think that it's logical what you want. When you click on a menu item you want the page to load a different form. So maybe using a pop-up can help you.


Add a microflow button in the top of your form to open the new form will do the trick.

Is not done via the intented menu, but you can create a "custom form based specific menu" by this.


Yes, Samet, you may be right.

Maybe I'm looking at the wrong place. I'm looking for different behaviour for different objects. Navigation to an object now always goes via the menu. I would like to be able to navigate to another object without closing the object that's active. I merely need to do a sidestep and don't want to "clean my desk" as I want to return to what I was doing afterwards.

But you may be right that my approach is not the right one. Any ideas?
