Enhanced tooltip widget?

Hi all, I really like the Bootstrap tooltip widget, but since I will be needing it throughout a big application a lot of times on big forms, it has to mayor drawbacks: Per different help text an extra Tooltip widget has to be added to the (bottom of the) page; There is no option to add the tooltip to an image (i.e. question-mark) so that the tooltip is not always triggered, but only on click of that image next to the input field; The help texts have to be maintained in the Modeler. It would be nice if this could be done front-end; Before I make my own custom widget out of the existing one; does anybody know if there is already something like that out there? I did see the Help Text Viewer widget, which sort of has the second disadvantage covered, but is going out of support, so not the best way to go for me.
1 answers

Hi Ivo,

Indeed, greaat widget! I've also implemented the Bootstrap Tooltip widget and my view on your points is as follows:

  1. Indeed, for each individual text you will need to add the widget. However, if the help text is the same, you could use a snippet.
  2. There is a way of doing so. In the bootstrap widget you are able to specify the "tooltip classname". This class should match the class of the element where you want the tooltip on, which could be anything (also an image).
  3. There are two ways of generating the help text, either by typing a static message in the "message" attribute of the widget or by using a microflow which returns a string parameter (see the "tooltip microflow message" on the second tab of the widget). In this flow you are free to do anything you want, as long as you return a string parameter. For example, you could create a persistent entity with an attribute per help text, retrieve this entity and output its desired attribute. The help entity could be edited front-end.

If you have any questions, please let me know!
