Login for mobile users in Mendix 4

Our application has anonymous users enabled and now we also want to enable mobile users. When mobile users open the app on a tablet, we don't see a login page. We only see a blank page with the page title of our homepage. Because we've enabled anonymous users, the mobile login page is not visible. When we deactivate anonymous users, mobile users are directly redirected to the mobile login page. With anonymous users enabled this is not the case. According to this post, there should be a mobile login widget, but it's not existing anymore. That would do the trick for us, because we also use the login widget for desktop users. In Mendix 4 mobile and desktop widgets are different and currently we don't know how to solve this easily without the mobile login widget. There are a couple of alternatives: Migrate to MX5 of MX 6 (planned on the roadmap, but it requires a lot of time before we can do this) Create a custom login page with logic to authenticate the users and create a sessions Copy the login.html page and make a special mobile-login.html page and redirect to index-mobile.html after login All these alternatives are doable, but with the mobile login widget it would be easier. Anyone with an idea what happened to this widget? Could we get it back? Edit after trying the widget in the answer below: Unfortunately it seems that this widget is not working properly in Mendix 4. In github we saw a testproject in Mendix 5 and that is working fine, but when we install the widget in our app and place it on our home form, we will see nothing. When we place the widget inside a section, we see a widget error. See the image below. I found the following error in firebug: failed loading mxclientsystem/dojo/../../widgets/loginsystem/widget/LoginForm.js with error: Error: Could not load 'loginsystem.widget.FormInput'; last tried '../../widgets/loginsystem/widget/FormInput.js'
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