Building complex\enterprise level systems with Mendix
Hi All, I am looking for an answer for a very general question: is it possible to build a really complex systems serving functionality on an enterprise level with Mendix? I am referring to system like ERP, CRM, Bank Accounting, HR&Payroll etc. I have spent a lot of time looking for this kind of examples, but couldn’t find anything. Are there any demos\screens of such systems developed with Mendix? A few characteristics I can imagine would be: complex data models (dozens or hundreds of DB tables) multiple workflows with dependencies etc. UI built from dozens of forms, reports etc. complex UI forms with dozens of controls, data-grids, options and complex validation rules extensive configuration capabilities (dictionaries, rules, factors etc.) I do realize it is very difficult to objectively say what is and what isn’t a ‘complex’ system, hence below I have pasted a few random screens of various systems UIs I am thinking about. Thx!
Michał Jurkowski
2 answers
From my own experience, I can tell you that it is possible and that there are such systems. I know apps with thousands of tables and hundreds of pages. You can also have multiple applications, acting as one through a microservice architecture. This seems to be the best practice for really hughe and complex systems.
Andreas Blaesius
We have developed a similar product with lot of screens and domain models.
However an advice from my experience would be, you need to really careful when designing your domain model (choosing between normalization and denormalization, indexing etc). Because this would greatly affect your application performance.
I would also vote for the suggestion from Andreas for microservices.