Got problem on Excel Importer

Hi there, I 'm just using the Excel Importer for the first time. After downloading and setting up the project the modeler shew me 2 errors The XML schema or web service operation is not valid. - XML-to-domain mapping 'XMLToDom_ExcelTemplate' ExcelImporter The XML schema or web service operation is not valid. - Domain-to-XML mapping 'DomToXML_ExcelTemplate' ExcelImporter So, I cannot go on the next step to use this module. (I learnt from ) What should I do to fix it? Thank you.
2 answers

Hi Jugarin,

I just tested it with the latest version from the app store and I don't get this error. Could you remove the module from your project and download the latest version of the Excel importer?

If that doesn't work, then create a new project and download the mx model reflection + Excel importer and see what happens.

Let me know what the results are


Hello Juguarin,

Try saving your excel sheets using this file extenstion, .xls, this may be a temporary workaround. I think there are some compatibility issues with the new Excel Importer and the .xlsx extension, which is the default XML-based file format for Excel 2007-2013. We were experiencing the same issue when trying to import Excel documents, but when we changed them to a different file format we had no issues. Hope this helps.
