XPath to current user

Hello Mendix community! I have a problem and hope you can help me! I have a project with the entites “articles” and “users” associated to “countries” (see the image). In the articles overview page, I only want to show the articles associated to the current user's country. So we are retrieving the data with an xpath, to add the constraint.   We are trying: [MyFirstModule.Read/ MyFirstModule.Users [id='[%CurrentUser%]'] [MyFirstModule.Users_Country /MyFirstModule.Country/MyFirstModule.Country_Articles/MyFirstModule.Articles]] But unfortunately it is not working. No articles appear when we choose the x-path option, however, we know that they are in the data base (they appear when we choose database, but not filtered) Thank you in advance!
1 answers

Hello Frederica,


The following XPath constraint should do the trick:

[MyFirstModule.Articles_Country/MyFirstModule.Country/MyFirstModule.Users_Country = '[%CurrentUser%]’]



With kind regards,


