IMAP POP3 Module Errors with Mx6

I am trying to upgrade and App to Mx6. This App uses the IMAP POP3 incoming email module. When I try to deploy locally, I get the following build errors: Buildfile: C:\Users\aaaaa\Documents\Mendix\APPNAME-main\deployment\build_core.xml compile: [javac] Compiling 342 source files to C:\Users\aaaaa\Documents\Mendix\APPNAME-main\deployment\run\bin [javac] C:\Users\aaaaa\Documents\Mendix\APPNAME-main\javasource\imap_pop3_email\actions\ warning: Log is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release [javac] import sun.rmi.runtime.Log; [javac] ^ [javac] C:\Users\aaaaa\Documents\Mendix\APPNAME-main\javasource\imap_pop3_email\actions\ error: cannot find symbol [javac] import imap_pop3_email.proxies.Folder; [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Folder [javac] location: package imap_pop3_email.proxies [javac] C:\Users\aaaaa\Documents\Mendix\APPNAME-main\javasource\imap_pop3_email\actions\ error: cannot find symbol [javac] Folder newFolder = new Folder(this.getContext()); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Folder [javac] location: class GetFolders [javac] C:\Users\aaaaa\Documents\Mendix\APPNAME-main\javasource\imap_pop3_email\actions\ error: cannot find symbol [javac] Folder newFolder = new Folder(this.getContext()); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class Folder [javac] location: class GetFolders [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [javac] Note: C:\Users\aaaaa\Documents\Mendix\APPNAME-main\javasource\com\mendix\core\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 3 errors [javac] 1 warning BUILD FAILED Any pointers to resolve these errors will be greatly appreciated!
1 answers

Maybe an unnecessary question but did you tried to redownload and install the IMAP POP3 incoming email module from the app store?

This solved the problem for me after upgrading.
