dropdown enum search field

Hi guys, I have a dropdown search that looks into an attribute from a child entity (risk_policy) (1:m). The enum attribute in policy has 4 items, but when the app is running, I can only see a few of these options, not all. I suspected that it would only see what has been selected from the child objects, and to test this I have updated one of the child objects, and suddenly my dropdown search add another of the items of the enum. Being an enumeration, and this dropdown is in the search the idea is the user would be able to search on all options of the enum, and if no record found, then no results returned. It seems quite odd that only part of the enum is shown. Is there a way to fully show the whole enum options on the search dropdown? LR>
2 answers


The search fields are connected to the domainmodel. So for your enum dropdown you selected riskpolicy/enumattribute. The selections you can therefore see in the enum search field are those that are available on the associated record (be it distinct). This works differently from selecting an enum attribute as search field from the base entity, then the search field will show the different options for the enum. The work around would be to define your enumeration values in a separate entity and use this data as the enum on the associated entity and user the relation riskpolicy/risk/enumentity_risk/enumentity/attribute for the search field on your policy overview.

I agree that this is a strange inconsistency and would suggest filing a ticket for this with support and use the described work around in the mean time.


To clarify: You're using the default dropdown search from the Grid View to filter a selection of entities? It should show you all available filter options. Can you check whether all enums that you want to see actually have an association to at least one of the objects in your grid? I don't really have time to test this, but it would not surprise me if the filter options shown are derived from what it retrieved via the objects in your grid.

If I misinterpreted your question, let me know, and I'll see if I can help you further :)
