Mendix World 2019

As it was impossible for me to talk to everyone, see everything or hear everything I thought it would be a good idea to start this thread. Mendix world was absolutely amazing overall. But to get the full picture of how great it was I would love to hear from others what their answers are on the following questions: What were the positives? What were the negatives? What did you get out of it? What are you most excited about?   The positives for me: Great vibrant venue with excellent catering. Interesting sessions and amazing showcases of what's possible using the Mendix platform by Partners. Seeing and talking to the people behind the small icons I've seen here on the forums, linkedin and slack. I have to say some of you really are a lot bigger in real life. The vision for Mx Studio and Mx Studio PRO are game changing in regards of business strategies and what we're selling as Mendix partners. I forsee that we're going to have to be enablers for organisations training them in embracing the platform and guiding them to a solid microservices based architecture. The Javascript actions, the data hub, the implementations of react and react native. Code auto completion for Javascript actions inside the modeler. SASS editor inside Mendix modeler The Yeoman boilerplate for new widgets supporting both Javascript and Typescript. (making widget's was never this easy so thank you Mendix) The new motto for Mendix “Go make it”, and them providing better and better tooling to actually just make about anything! Seeing how Partner's and Customer's tackled their technical challenges, I attended the presentation by Andrej Koelewijn talking about microservices and & Rom v Arendonk talking about how Enexis uses their different App layers to stay agile and quick to market for different target audiences. Some quick win tips on how to structure an app by Killian Croes & Eric Tieniber. Sorting modules by category: Process, Foundational, Transformational, Integration, App Store & Appstore customization. Prefixing them or postfixing them and then sorting them in the following order: Process (what the user gets to use) Transformational (manipulating data) Integrational (webservices and other integrations) Foundational and Appstore customizations anywhere on this hierarchy. And the reason for this was that when going top to bottom a process module can depend on transformational and integrational and foundational modules, but a transformational can't depend on the process modules. Change the labels on actions in your microflow so that they tell the story of what is happening inside that microflow. The hands on workshop making Javascript actions for nanoflows, which blew my mind on what will be possible regarding usability and user interactions client side using javascript promises. Bear Grylls was a nice closure.   The negatives for me: The presentation iglo’s were a bad choice for the spaces. They were very small for the amount of people trying to attend, leaving a lot of people outside. Some sessions were already completely full 25 minutes before starting, which not only was confusing for people arriving late, but also caused sessions to start earlier than anticipated because it was full anyways.  The lack of recordings for the smaller sessions. I had hoped to be able to watch sessions I couldn’t attend myself through a stream later on the Mendix website. (One of the reasons why I'm making this post, is to get more out of the experiences of others). The partner stands weren't very inviting, they had to present on very small displays yet having big banner walls.  The mobile application was pretty bad and difficult to use. I felt that I had missed out on a lot by not having access to beta features which other organizations do get by having MVP's.   What did I get out of it: I got inspired after seeing what other's have been making with Mendix. A better grounding for myself as a developer, what I'm strong at and what I should be working on to improve and with what attitude. A lot of information and a new clearer vision of how to make my new Mendix apps and what to take into account. So much excitement about the future of customization using the new Javascript features. A lot of appreciation and respect on how Mendix has been secretly working on these functionalities and bringing it all together in mendix studio and mendix studio pro. Whereas I've been a pretty strong advocate in the past for hating on the webmodeler I can now say that I've misunderstood the direction it was headed in and for what reasons. For that I wish to personally apologize.   What am I most excited about: The new way of implementing widgets is so ridiculously easy, that I'm curious on what the future AppStore contents will look like!   I would love to hear more about your experiences.
5 answers

Thanks for starting this discussion. Here’s my feedback on Mendix World 2019:

  • What were the positives?
    • All the keynotes were really well done. As a developer, I especially liked Johan’s keynote. They were brave enough to do a lot of live demos, and everything worked out great. 
    • I loved the emphasis that was placed on the SAP partnership. Coming from a company that is heavily invested in SAP, this is great to hear.
    • It also sounds like this Siemens takeover will be very beneficial for Mendix and Mendix customers.
    • The venue was great, the food was great.
  • What were the negatives?
    • I have to agree on the issue with the size of the tents/bubbles. They clearly underestimated the amount of people that would be interested in a lot of those talks. I was particularly upset about missing out on the talk on “The Future of Mobile is Offline First”. I am in a big offline mobile app project myself, and I feel like I missed out on a lot of valuable insights from that session.
  • What did you get out of it?
    • I was introduced to lots of practical use-cases for Mendix, and I will take those back to my company, and see if we can apply those ideas here, too.
    • It was great to see and feel the energy of the Mendix community. The future looks bright, and I’m happy to be a part of it.
  • What are you most excited about?
    • I loved the AR demo that was shown at the end of the Keynote. I hope to get a project started in that direction.
    • The Mendix Data Hub sounds amazing! I’m already dealing with lots of different data sources in my apps. The Hub could make things a lot easier in the future.


One last big thing - if anyone from Mendix is reading this: Please, at the very least, post the slides from all of the sessions online. It would be optimal if the speakers could post small blogs, or summaries, since a lot was said, that wasn’t on the slides. I feel like a lot of useful information will get lost, if this is not done. I already saw the blog from Han Pieter Duyvermann (and I also attended that session), and it would be great if we could get something similar from the other sessions.


Edit: Slides/Videos have been uploaded here - 



Hi everyone, 

You can find all of the slides and videos from Mendix World presentations in our content hub here: 



Im really interested in the free model!

How will this help create new MX devs, and how MX will it be used in a “for consumers” way.

How will this impact the perception of UX. (a beautiful app is not necessarily a user friendly app)




Hi all,

as a Mendix fan, so i did not see any update strategy for mendix Asia. and the competitor such as Outsystem is already announce the local support such as Outsystem Singapore and Thailand.

When the words mendix asia will be launched, we are waiting for this.



What were the positives?

Good and impressive presentation of the new options/capabilties in Mendix 8, especially the AI built in (with code correction and suggestion)

Frienly atmosphere

Catering was excellent

What were the negatives?

The release of the new options/capabilites in Mendix 8 in stages

The Partner stands were not really inviting to make contact

A lot of people were more interested in their smart phone

The presentations in the iglo's were a one time option; some were very popular that another session on the same topic was more than justified, if recorded/taped/filmed, please, put those on line.

What did you get out of it?

Mendix is opening up in the Cloud, connecting to other options

Mendix 8 is a great leap forward

What are you most excited about?

Mendix 8 (have I mentioned this already?)

The possibilities that programmers are capable of doing nowadays (AI integration)
