Need Help Entering Data

Struggling to figure out how to input data into a list. In the application, we have entities in our domain model, and pages with lists referencing those entities. However, there is confusion on how to add relevant data to those entities. For example, one entity we have is named Hotlines, containing information on hotlines for drug issues. The attributes of the table are “HotlineName” and “HotlinePhoneNumber”. The list on our page Hotline_Numbers references the table but we have no information in our table. How can we input data to our table so that it can then appear on the page?  
2 answers

Hi Genesis,

If i understand correctly, the parent table should be a master first, then you can create a new child table with the reference.

Mostly using microflow for custom insert, standard one is not for complex situation.

Hope this help


How do we access or create a parent table?

