Login automatically to another Mendix application

I want to be able to login automatically to another Mendix application using the current username and password. Username and password should be checked. Can I use the SAML module for this? How can I do this? Thanks!
2 answers

Yes, you can use the SAML module for this, but you do have to have an Identity provider(e.g. ADFS) in your application landscape.

What do you exactly mean with "this"?

to login automatically to another Mendix application using the current username and password. Username and password should be checked.

For the SAML Module it works roughly like below:

You should direct a user to a specific entry point in your web application where the user its (login) request will be handled. For example 'myapp.mendixcloud.com/SSO/ where SSO is a server side request handler entry for the SAML Module.

  • The SAML Module picks up the request of the user performing a login.
  • The SAML Module forwards the request to the Identity which authenticates you with the user store (E.g. Active Directory) which will result in a credentials screen when you are not signed in. This mostly depends on the configuration on the Identity provider.
  • The Identity provider responds to your application with a message which contains whether a user is authenticated or not.
  • This response is picked up by the SAML Module again and will create a session for the user trying to login (or not).

If you want to switch from one Mendix app to another Mendix app you could also use a webservervice and deeplink for that. To the webservice you supply the user that wants to log in. The webservice returns a deeplink which can be used by the other Mendix app to redirect the user.


