OQL report generation error

Hi, I have written below OQL query to generate reports for monthly basis SELECT Time/Activity as Activity, Time/ActivityDescription as ActivityDescription, Time/TimeDiff as TimeDiff, Time/SameStatusReason as SameStatusReason, Time/TimeStart as TimeStart, (BM/Project_Name)as ProjectName, (AM/FullName) as Fullname from TimeTracker.Time as Time Left join TimeTracker.Time_Project/Configuration.Project as BM Left join TimeTracker.Time_Employee/Administration.Account as AM where AM/ID=$AM and BM/Id=$BM and Time/createdDate in $Date; On running the application after selecting year and month i am getting this error "The report cannot be generated because the user does not have sufficient rights to access parameter date". Please help in resolving this.Thanks.
2 answers

Open module security/Data set access. Tick the parameters


As, here we are having Administrators to whom all modules access is available.(i.e. Read-only, Write - only). To your condition, I would say, check in the module --> Security --> User roles, whether that user is having write-only right or not.
