Adjustable URL for public facing parts of an application

I know this question might have been asked in some form already but I couldn't find any particular answer to it. I there anyone out there that figured out a solution to influence the url of a Mendix application to be able to share the page that you are on, or bookmark it or use it in a sitemap for search engines to index? I know the deep link module can be used to directly link to certain pages/content within your application. But what I'm looking for is both a development/maintenance friendly approach as well as a user-friendly implementation to influence the URL on runtime, based on the page that user is currently viewing. This doesn't need to be one generic solution for every page in the application (although that would be super). But if we can easily configure it to work at a subset of the pages that would really help out with the application that I'm currently working on. Any suggestion that might get us into the right direction is welcome. We already looked into the possibilities of the history API but that might be too developer intensive to implement.
1 answers

There is some useful posts on this blog site:, Which is built using Mendix. It contains a few forum posts on how to use the deeplinks and make these links SEO compatible. It also has a share functionality which would allow you to share your particular pages.

If you actually want to change the url then you need to use the history API, but at the moment I don't believe there is an easy to use widget for this. You would have to write some custom javascript.

