A simple custom log-in page

I know this question has appeared umpteen number of times in the forum. But here it is, yet again. Can anyone please help me in understanding how to build a simple log-in page, wherein I am not using the default authentication provided in the platform; but I would prefer to use registration into the app and authenticate registered users to access the app. I’ve been trying to use microflows, that is, I am trying to trigger a microflow that validates a user on click of a button(am not using Sign-In button or login form). My doubt here is: How to access the form variables in a microflow, so that I can check them with database values? All I can see is current_user, which is not what I’d validate the DB values with.    
3 answers

Maybe the Forgot Password Module is something to implement to speed up your progress. This has a registration/signup functionalty and forgot password funcctionality. Of course you can build it yourself, perhaps a little more lightweight but use the examples/flows in the module to see how to set it up.


'How to access the form variables in a microflow’ → Place the fields in a dataview with a non-persistable object as its context. You can then pass that object upon signing in and read the values.


Hi KamalaMadhuri,

As Sjors suggested the forgot password module has a good example of how to do this. In the module there is a snippet called “LoginSnippet” that you can add to a page that is accessible to anonymous users. To enable anonymous users in your application, go to security in the project module  and create a user role for anonymous uers (I usually call this anonymous), then go to the anonymous user tab and enable anonymous users.




If you want to build this page yourself, you can use the authentication widgets on a page that is accessible to anonymous users. You just need a username and password input field, and a sign in button on a page. 


Hope this helps!
