Verifying a password.

Hello, I have some problems with verifying a password. I have a newedit page which gives me a opportunity to save a form. But I also need to add a password to that specific page. The person that fills out the form only wants to fill the password and nothing else. So after filling in the person needs to fill in a password. Does anybody have any idea on how to do this?
2 answers

If you want to verify a password, you can find your answer here.


Not possible by standard Mendix alone. The password can only be validated but in no way the password can be used to retrieve any other data. Thus the user will need to enter something other the just a password, likely her userid.

Your best shot is to suggest other solutions like the browser's credential-storage-functions to store a userid and password. Or better have the users use a passwordmanagement tool like keepass or lastpass.

Hopefully Rom's solution works for you. Then you are no longer entering a password, but a (sort of) certificate.
