SSO via Microsoft Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)

Hi there, We've got the question to provide SSO support for a Mendix application. When looking into the details we found information about the technical communication for this SSO implementation. It is based on MS WIF. Has anybody implemented this before with Mendix in the cloud? Is this possible using the current SAML module or with some extra development? I've found that more than one implementation support both WIF and SAML in the same solution.
2 answers

What I can find is that it's not supported out of the box. You need to do some manual stuff and pray that it remains working. Doesn't seem like a sustainable architecture.

Workaround could be LDAP authentication with the LDAP module from the Mendix appstore. But if you really need SSO they should look into a SAML2 or oAuth2 layer.


What I had found in the past was that WIF is more considered the standard .Net framework that Microsoft offers. Whenever I searched on WIF I could only find the standard .Net components, but I haven't seen any WIF libraries that also work on Java.

Technically the WIF framework contains all identity management offered by Windows. So SAML would also fall under this WIF framework umbrella. I would recommend looking into SAML authentication against the Active Directory Federatio Server.
