Editability Expression

HI I’d like to determine editability based on 2 (or more) attributes of type Enumeration, so I need to use ‘based on expression’ (and not ‘based on attribute value”). I’ve seen the instructions to use  the  ‘toString’  function in microflows, but that doesn’t seem to work in the editability expression.     - does ‘toString’ work in editability expressions? or is there an alternative way to evaluate enumeration attributes? - is it even possible to evaluate enumeration attributes in an editability expression?   Thanks  
2 answers

You can use enumerations, should read something like:

$currentObject/yourenumeration = ModuleEnumExistsin.NameOfEnum.Value


you can choose “based on attribute value” then select the enum value, then change it to “based on expression” and it will write the expression for you


yes, you can reference enumeration values by specifying the fully qualified enumeration value.  See an example below:

If you want some help in finding the enumeration while building your expression, use CTRL – Space Bar to get a context sensitive list of options.  You can narrow down this list by typing part of the enumeration name.


