Google reCaptcha is causing issue in Cancel page

 I am using Google reCaptcha in application login page,showing login button if Recaptach validated ,it is working fine during login but while doing Cancel between any pages it is giving error below error.In cancel button doing verified Boolean false and calling Login page again.    Error while applying context Error: Customer.Customer_EntryPG.dataView1: Error while applying context Error: Customer.Customer_EntryPG.reCaptcha1: Error while applying context Error: Customer.Customer_EntryPG.reCaptcha1: Error while applying context TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'innerHTML' in null . Please suggest any workaround.
1 answers

Apparently a widget-error. A selector that should have found a html-object, found nothing and instead returned null. Which led to "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'innerHTML' in null.”

Which App are you using, since we have “ReCaptcha”, “reCAPTCHA” and "reCaptcha Module”.
