Hi Shraddha,
XPath Query Functions would be the best bet in regards to using XPaths.
You can find more info here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/xpath-count
Another option to ponder at is using some application logic to “Count” the number of objects in that list.
You can find more info here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/aggregate-list
Hopefully, this will point you in the right direction!
If you do a retrieve in a microflow of all the objects you want to count, then add a Count action afterwards (as described above), the database query is automatically optimised to only retrieve the count and not all the objects.
If you want to show this count on a page, store it in an object that's passed to a page.
Using an Xpath retrieve in a dataview requires the outcome to be one or multiple objects. Therefor using 'count’ to get a result won't help you much. For your use case, you must use a microflow and store the result.
With "does not work” you mean that count = 0?
Play around with the constraint you use, which seems to be ok, so data is probably empty: [$DateSearch/StartDate <=Date and $DateSearch/EndDate>=Date]
First try without any constraint, see if count will be > 0.
than try: [$DateSearch/StartDate <= Date] and see if the count is reduced.
than try: [$DateSearch/StartDate <= Date] and see if the count is further reduced.