Yes possible with the method Runtime.getRuntime().exec in a custom Java action, where you can open, write and execute the command in cmd.exe, example
//sox audio.wav --channels=1 --bits=16 audio.flac
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start "cd C:\\Users\\SK\\Documents\\Mendix\\NativeMobile-main\\sox\\ "
+ "&& sox" + UUID+".wav --channels=1 --bits=16 "+UUID+".flac"
+ "&& exit");
Additional sources;
var process = new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(
var is = process.getInputStream();
var isr = new;
var br = new;
var line;
var str_ret='';
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
You might also want to store stdout/stderr and return code in some mendix table
Probably better to build something that can execute shell scripts or batch scripts, and then store that in a table, then you
can edit it at runtime, and additionally set up a scheduling system for your scripts
Processbuilder is slightly different from Sinan’s answer in that the flags are split over the member function varargs section