Url formatting

Using the deeplink module it's easy to send deeplinks in your mails and so on. But I think the navigation menu items could also be accessible with deeplink. Somethink like http://localhost/parentitem/submenuitem1 http://localhost/parentitem/submenuitem2 http://localhost/parentitem/submenuitem3 Using url formatting could be a major improvement for the mendix platform. Any ideas about this?
2 answers

You can connect the menu items to microflows, and create deeplinks to those microflows as well. Thats quite simple to achieve.


Setting up the links should be easy enough, if you just create a Navigation entity and create an object for each Navigation item. From there the Deeplinking module can pass them to a microflow. The problem there is opening a different form for each object. You could maybe store the form name in the object and open in with a Java action:


You can probably handle subitems using a self-reference.
