Log in In the middle of process

Hi everybody! I have many steps and I would like to log in at the step 4. The problem is when I do it I’m sending back to the first page :-( I would like to stay on my step 4. I tried to use the SignIn module https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/66443/ but doesn’t work ... Thanks a lot for helping me!!!! Jennifer
2 answers

Hi Jennifer,

This module: https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/43/ can link a user straight to a specific page or step in your app from a link. It's pretty easy to set up, just follow the readme.

Good luck!


Deeplink module is a good idea.

Also mendix has an out of the box solution by setting a url for a page. See https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/page

When your step is a specific page you can give the page the url https://Mendixurl/p/step4
You can even use https://Mendixurl/p/step4/{id} when your page has a page parameter. 

