Images displaying on sandbox

I am attempting to upload then view images. The images are displayed using the default imageViewer.  When I run locally the functionality works 100%. When I initially deployed to sandbox the functionality showed me the images I had uploaded.  When I now log into sandbox (after a deploy) I can no longer see the images. Instead, a blank white box is displayed. When I display information about the image entity then hasContents = true and the size attribute is populated indicating that an image should be displayed.    Since the functionality works locally could his issue perhaps be linked to Sandbox in someway? Might it even be linked to the cloud outage yesterday (07 Aug 19) or does this seem more like a code bug on my side?    Any ideas will help.   Thank you. 
6 answers

Could this be an issue in the mx cloud? Right now all of the images for my feedback items in the sprintr portal aren’t loading. It could be a coincidence but maybe make a ticket with support just to make sure?


If it worked before and there was no change in your code that seems to cause that, something is weird. It’s hard to help out without knowing your project. Maybe Mendix Support need to help.


Mendix latest release contains a solution for a bug that made it impossible to upload an image to the sandbox. The implemented solution is a likely cause for this bug. See release notes:

  • We fixed an issue introduced in the Mendix 8.0.0 Beta 2 release where saving files in the Mendix Cloud resulted in an error. (Tickets 84685, 84862, 84961, 85137, 85156, 85372, 85733, 85734, 85800, 85899, 86135)

I’ve upgraded to version 8. It worked for a few hours then the exact same issue re-surfaced. 


I created a ticket but the only response I’ve had was the original response more than a day ago. 




To investigate further I used the “Base64 encode file" java action from Commons to attempt to interrogate the contents on the entity. Locally the string returns accurately, on Sandbox I get the following stacktrace: 


com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: LocalFileSystemStore:: File does not exist for key: d7a9e2cd-4f6d-4de8-a3a7-984efd16d6ed
at com.mendix.basis.component.InternalCoreBase.execute(

Caused by:
com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: LocalFileSystemStore:: File does not exist for key: d7a9e2cd-4f6d-4de8-a3a7-984efd16d6ed
at com.mendix.basis.actionmanagement.ActionManagerBase.executeSync(

Caused by: LocalFileSystemStore:: File does not exist for key: d7a9e2cd-4f6d-4de8-a3a7-984efd16d6ed
at com.mendix.util.classloading.Runner.doRunUsingClassLoaderOf(

Caused by:
LocalFileSystemStore:: File does not exist for key: d7a9e2cd-4f6d-4de8-a3a7-984efd16d6ed


This issue has been resolved. They eventually got one of the RnD dev’s to take a look. They made some kind of restoration and the photos were available again. I did not have to upgrade. I did not have to re-deploy. 


Affirms my thinking that the issue was infrastructure related. 
