To Do List for every user

Hi there, I have a list view with the todo issues and a new button to create that entity. how is it possible to get a list view for every user themselve? Thanks  
4 answers

Hi Daniel,

 To accomplish this, you can do the following:

  1.  create an association between the ‘Account’ entity in the Administration module and your ‘Todo’ entity. This will be a many-to-one relationship.
  2.  Replace the ‘new’ button on the screen with you list view with an Action button that calls a Microflow
  3. In this microflow:
    1.  Retrieve the current Account using the Retrieve action and the Xpath constraint [id='[%CurrentUser%]']
    2.  Create a new Todo object
    3.  Set the association between the new object and the Account you retrieved
    4.  Show the page you use to edit the Todo entity
  4.  Finally, on the screen with the List View, use an Xpath data source with the following constraint:[MyFirstModule.Todo_Account = '[%CurrentObject%]']


This should let you populate the list view with your Todo objects just for the current user themselves!


Rob describes constraining to the user’s own tasks via the frontend, which is one of doing it. Another way is to set this constraint on the todo-entity's Access Rules (only visible with project-security set to Demo or Production):

  1. create an association between the ‘Account’ entity in the Administration module and your ‘Todo’ entity. This will be a many-to-one relationship.
  2. add an AccessRule to Todo-entity having an Xpath constraint like this

Thanks for your answers, but i cant see any datas inside the list view.

I think the account assosiation does not work. I made a breakpoint to see the variables.



Works. Thank you.
