File Manager List View

Hi there, I have an entity connected with System.FileDocument. I choose the file manager to upload files to my app. To show the files, there is a list view. But in the list view it shows me only the latest uploaded file document (I want to see all of them) Thanks.
2 answers

Your list view should have a button at the bottom to “Load more” once the user hits this button next page will be loaded according to page size.

You can configure the page size to a size that will make sense for your business case. If you don’t anticipate a very large number of files you can also set the page size to a very large number, say 1000 (Max)  to always show all files.


If it is not the ListView number of records to show...make sure you create new objects to hold the uploaded file and make sure you do not override the existing record with the new file.
