Navigation for user role

Hello everyone,   i have administrator page with open directly my home page now i want to make another page for student and teacher landing page with navigation bar, so can any body tell me how to make separate navigation bar for student and teacher. so that admin should see all pages but student and teacher only should see some navigation bar and some specific pages. thank u in advance  
2 answers

You can add the pages to your navigation bar in your Projects navigation settings. Which you can find in your project explorer.

The items in the navigation bar will be visible or invisible depending on the allowed user roles you specify in the page's properties.


Step 1: Create 3 new User roles

  • Admin
  • Student
  • Teacher

Step 2: Add all pages to Navigation
Step 3: Assign appropriate role to pages accordingly.

The Menu items in the navigation bar will be visible or invisible depending on the allowed user roles you specify in the page's properties for example.
Teacher can only view the pages allowed to Teacher user role.

