association between main entity and sub entity

Hi community, how is it possible to create an entity (project) and in this projectoverview I want to add several controlling inputs for each project. How can I set the association between these two entities? How should the microflow look like? Which dataview/listview… do I need?   Edit: I have a overview page to create new projects => click Details to open the Detail page
2 answers

I’d suggest reading some of the learning paths that can be found here:

They are really good and will explain how to do this.

The short answer:

Your domain model is looking good. If you want to create new controlling objects for an existing project you can add a button to your project_newedit page that triggers a microflow in which a controlling object is created and associated with the project.


This is my microflow that will be triggered:


And this is the overview page


But with this microflow the Controlling datas will be added on every project

