Pivot Table that opens Pivot Tables

Hello, I've been experimenting with the Pivot Table widget. I'm really interested in getting a 2nd pivot table to open in a new page after clicking one of the cells of the top-level pivot table and create a sort of drill down system. The problem is the drill-down table doesn't display. The page for the drill-down table opens and everything else populates on it like it should, including labels on the page that display the information being carried over from the clicked cell of the top-level table. I've used breakpoints to monitor the microflow that makes the drill-down table and it successfully creates a list of non-persistent entities complete with 3 attributes for the integer, x-axis, and y-axis. When the microflow finishes, there is nothing where the pivot table should be. It doesn't even display the No data text. There are also no errors or logs generated as a result. As far as I can tell, everything is set up correctly. Can I get some ideas as to what I may be doing wrong? Let me know if I need to be more specific about something. Thanks in advance!
1 answers

Do you open the new page in content or as a popup? Any errors in the browser console?
