Tracking Users that log in.

I would like to basically track all the users that log into my system so that i can monitor who is using the system. I think it could be done via a microflow running when the user logs in to capture their user name and then create a object to store this. However i am unsure on how or if you can trigger a microflow on the log in of a user. Does anyone have any suggestions? Another additional feature we would like is also to track what the users are actually viewing e.g. what forms they are looking at. This again could possibly be done via microflows that are triggered when a user opens a form. I obviously could make custom buttons with microflows but i dont want to really do this. Any help would be good!
2 answers

If you use the administration module, i think you can add an after commit event on the account object, since the login functionality updates the account, so i guess it will called.

[Don't try this at home] A dirty trick to log activity might be: add an object to your domain model, from which any object inherits. Make a virtual attribute in this object, which, as a side effects, tracks user activity. Let the attribute return an empty string and display it somewhere in every form. [/Don't try this at home]


Think the easiest way is to set your homepage as a microflow which tracks the user and opens the homepage.
