Mail Merge Options

Hi – what are the best options to use if I want to do a mail merge from Mendix? Similar to Microsoft Word’s delivered mail merge?
4 answers


Based on your description, you can use a combination of a few out of the box tools:

  • Document templates will enable you to create Word or PDF documents in Mendix (see documentation here:  This is a native feature of the platform that is serviceable, not great.  However, as its Mendix native it is available in 8.  There are a number of third party document generation tools in the app store that you could also use to generate Word docs.  These all (I think) come with a subscription or usage fee of some kind.  I can’t say if the add ons have been updated to 8 yet.
  • If you need to send email from your Mendix app, either sending a copy of a document created using Document templates or an email, the Email Templates module is what you should use.  You can find it here:  Note that this module requires both the Model Reflection ( and Encryption ( modules.  All three of these are available for Mendix 8.   With Email Templates, you can create formatted email messages that can’t be sent from your app and include information from your app.

Hope that helps,



What exactly do you want to achieve? There are multiple option in de appstore for this:

All with there own usp's. So when you have some more information about what you want to achieve, maybe we can help you.


I basically have a parent table with supporting detail in child tables, and I need to create letters for certain rows in the parent table as well as bring in detail from the child tables to put in the letters. These letters would be printed or emailed or both. Does this help?


UPDATE: I’ve tried the delivered Document Template and researched the app store options … So far, the ones I’ve tried seem to be geared towards creating a SINGLE doc for a data view record, i.e., I’m on customer A and generating a document for that customer only. Are there particular app store solutions, or a way I’m missing from the delivered Document Template, that will allow one to create a consolidated doc containing multiple pages for multiple records?

I can loop through records with a microflow, but then I have to merge the docs into one (not using .zip as the need is for a single doc). And the MergePDF seems to be limited to 10 records merged at a time.
