What is the best practice in getting and displaying row data in drop down?

I have a ‘Student’ entity with the following attributes:  first name  last name  contact  address I also have ‘Contact’ entity with the following attributes: guardian fullname contact Is there any way that we can have 2 attributes in the drop down for contacts to display (guardian fullname + contact)   ei. “mary scott | 123456”
2 answers

Hi there are a couple of  ways you can solve this:

  1. Create an attribute with the contact for this, something like ‘ContactPhone’. When you save a contact you can fill this attribute witth the guardian fullname + contact in a microflow
  2. Instead of a drop-down use a select page, this way you can show both fields in a grid

As an extension on my comment, this is the result you get from ‘autocomplete widget’:
