ups it seems that there is a MindSphere API role missing in the learning path.
Please go to “Developer Cockpit”, “Roles and Scopes Management” and add the MindSphere API role “mdsp.core:iot.timUser”. (See also attachement) This role will grant your app the required permissions to read out timeseries data.
In order to get this registered in MindSphere you also have to “Deregister” and “Register” your app in “Developer Cockpit” again.
After you added the MindSphere API role please log off and login to MindSphere.
Each MindSphere API needs specific Roles & Scopes. You find all of them here:
and for the timeseries endpoint here:
Just a quick heads up; the Learning Path has been expanded to include this bit as well. Should be available tomorrow.
Up and running! Thanks :-)
Hi Heiko,
I miss the MindSphere Widgets of the Productivity module like these:
The vector gauge can maybe managed with the Mendix vector gauge, I have to give it a try. In the first step I will try to change the given int input type of the Mendix vector gauge widget into a floating type, because too many use case values are floating up to 4 digits. Int is just inappropriate for a real world use case vector gauge. If not possible, ceiling or flooring isn’t really an option, but to make 24,5 C to a 245 value – not such nice in a dashboard, but working somehow. For the gannt chart I didn’t find a Mendix widget in the Mendix App Store until now. Would be fine to get all this available in Mendix for future ;-).
Best regards
I managed to get it fixed with the RGraph Gauge from the Mendix App Store which accepts also float values and additionally has much more MindSphere look and feel. A lot of functionality in this RGraph Gauge :-).