How to deploy an app into Azure cloud with Azure sql server connection?? Any Suggestions please...

Hi Guys,  I have database in Azure SQL server, I was able to connect in local and see data but when I am trying to deploy application to Azure using below link it  is taking its own database instead of configure database detail in the project settings   Once after deploying I tried to change below part of m2ee-config.yaml file available in Azure folders /srv/app/  but no luck .. Can anyone please help with your suggestions to connect with Azure SQL server from Azure cloud.   mxruntime:  ApplicationRootUrl:  ScheduledEventExecution: ALL  MicroflowConstants:   # put microflow constants in here   # Module.Constant: value  DatabaseType: SQLServer Or I also gave MICROSOFT/SQLServer  DatabaseHost: ""  DatabaseName: Mendix  DatabaseUserName: XXXX  DatabasePassword: XXXXX    
2 answers

Seems like you’re close. The documentation is here:

It says you should be using SQLServer as the DatabaseType setting, and you might need to specify the port.

What happens when you try to start the app?


Thanks a lot Eric and Rob for support , I was able to successfully connect.

I have one other usecase  which I am working, see if you guys can help

I am trying to connect to onpremise  oracle database  to my POC Mendix application to show data in my Mendix application and  update back when required …. what are the options we have to do this activity?

I tried using database connector and gave all oracle details and query to … when running I am getting below error


