HTMLSnippet (Appstore) - capabilities

I have downloaded and tried the HTMLSnippet applet from the AppStore and have had mixed success. I have successfully displayed simple HTML, but failed to display HTML that contains a flash file - is this possible to do? One or 2 further comments: 1) Why is the Documentation attribute required? 2) Can a URL be used as the data source instead of having to paste the entire HTML code into the applet? A meta tag redirect does not seem to work 3) Could a Microflow be used as the source for the applet, so you could pull data like announcements and display them in a scrolling marquee?
4 answers

Put the swf file in the deployment folder (here named example) and add the below in the widget code. This example is very simple, but you can find nice examples (pop-up, fill up screen, etc on the internet).

<object width="550" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="example.swf"> <embed src="example.swf" width="550" height="400"> </embed> </object>

I tried this and it works with me.


I have successfully displayed simple HTML, but failed to display HTML that contains a flash file - is this possible to do?

I successfully displayed youtube movies with the widget, so yes, it should work.

1) Why is the Documentation attribute required?

HTML snippets, and especially javascript snippets should be avoided if possible, since the decrease the maintainability of the application. So filling the documentation informs your fellow colleagues why its there, and what its purpose is.

2) Can a URL be used as the data source instead of having to paste the entire HTML code into the applet? A meta tag redirect does not seem to work

You could use the IFrame widget for that purpose i guess?

3) Could a Microflow be used as the source for the applet, so you could pull data like announcements and display them in a scrolling marquee?

No not yet, however you can display generated HTML using th rich text viewer (it is an HTML viewer in fact ;-)). And you can invoke microflows using the microflow timer or dynamic microflow trigger wigets. All available in the appstor :)


When you need a redirect page you can do this a microflow and the widget Generate Document. Generate a HTML document with a redirect in it.


Good question about the documentation. Is indeed a bit strange.
