Custom Input Mask Widget

Hi,  I am using Custom input mask widget for my phone number attribute masking. I gave validation microflow for phone number masking with Validation Feedback activity. During validation it should show only validation message for field only but for me it showing validation message for field as well as message box also. Below are the screenshots: I need only red highlighted validation not other message box. I used custom widget as given in below screenshots:   How should I show validation correctly?
1 answers

I would split up your validations. For checking if mandatory fields are filled I would do that in the custom save microflow. In that microflow check all the mandatory fields and give a response to the end user if some fields are left open.

You can then use the widget for those fields like phone numbers that need to be in a specific format. Allthough this also could be done in the custom save microflow with regex checks. Because I might be mistaken but with two phone number fields you will end up in the same situation. As soon as a validation check is done all the fields on the form will be validated.

So my advise would be to do all the validation in custum (sub) microflows before you save.



