How to get search on Enumeration in a datagrid to return only rows where the attribute is empty?
Hi all, I have an entity with an enumeration as attribute. I have a data grid of that entity with a search field for the attribute. The enumeration has 2 values ("Open” and "Closed”). What I want is a multi-select drop-down search field where users can select three options: Empty, Open, and Closed. In the release notes for Mendix Modeler version 7.23.0 I found this (quote): "Previously, a data grid search field for an attribute of enumeration type showed an additional empty option in the drop-down menu, which was confusing and led to zero results in the search. We fixed this by replacing it with an option that allows you to search specifically for rows where the attribute is empty. (Ticket 66129)” As an intermediate step, I tried to get a single select drop-down search field to work for the enumeration. What happened is that there is an ‘empty’ option in the drop-down, but the search result is all objects. It does not return zero results, it does not return only rows where the attribute is empty. It returns everything. Am I misunderstanding the release notes? Let’s focus on the single select situation first, how do I get the single select drop-down search field to return only the rows where the attribute is empty?
Jeroen van Asten
1 answers
IMHO you are reading the release notes correctly.
If the selection in the dropdown is returning all values this is a bug and I suggest filing an issue with support.