How to Get Logged in UserName on top left of top bar in responisve layout?

Hi All, I want to display the current logged in user’s name on responsive layout topbar. I was approaching via the following steps:- Created a Snippet with Data View Inside it having the dataSource as a Microflow. 2.Created the microflow with parameter as Administrator.Account & Used Cast Object method & returned the Object of Entity Account(of Administrator). 3.Inside the Snippet, in the dataview connected the FullName attribute via connector. 4.Used a snippet call in layout  page but getting error. I would like to know if anyone has used a snippet in a layout page that contains an entity. When I place a snippet in the layouts page I get the following error: 'The snippet expects an entity and should be used in the context of an entity (e.g. within a dataview'.) The problem is that the use of dataviews within layouts is not possible. Has anyone got any suggestions to get around this?  
2 answers

You are nearly there. You should remove the input parameter and retrieve the currentuser in the microflow.

Another note, I would not recommend an input field on your page if you are not going to edit the attribute.

You can use a text wit a parameter

  1. Put your text box inside data view widget.
  2. Provide entity to data view.(User from system)
  3. Create a Microflow returning current user and assign this as source to Data view
  4. Finally edit caption of text box and add parameter of User Name.