Facing issue while downloading an Object Handling app from App Store in Mendix Studio 8.0 version.

I have converted my application project in mendix version 7.23.4(old verison). Now I have converted my project into Mendix Studio Version 8.0.0(newer version). In mendix studio 8.0.0, I want to upgrade/replace my older version app module “Object Handling” to new version. But I am facing issue while downloading “Object Handling” module. I can able to see application in app store. Below is the screenshot of Object Handling application: In app store, I clicked on Application it not showing download button and only loading status as showing below screenshot: I tried with other option like download it from all versions but it is not showing for mendix studio 8.0.0:
1 answers

It looks like the versions on the App Store do not support 8.0.0. 

The solution would be to either upgrade your project to 8.1.0 or above, or to load the the version 2.0 module into a Mendix 7 project, upgrade that project, export the Object Handling module, and import it back to your new project. I’m guessing you already have version 2.0 in your project though if you upgraded from Mendix 7.23.4.
