Why the pie chart is visible only after reopening the page?
I have a page with the Pie Chart implemented using this tutorial: https://docs.mendix.com/howto7/extensibility/charts-basic-create So I have an entity “Value” with 2 parameters: Overview and NewEdit pages: A microflow that creates and returns an object: A piechart widget in the data view which gets data from the microflow, located on the home page: For some reason the pie chart appears only after I open the overview page and then open home page again. Before it the pie chart is empty: After opening Overview page and then Home again the pie chart is visible: What can be the reason and how can I fix it? UPD When I open the Home page for the first time I also see these small buttons which allows me to change some piechart settings. They dusappear after I open Overview and then Home page again. Maybe this is something which might help understand the issue, as I’m not sure why they appear. And here are the pie chart widget settings:
Maxim Velichkin
2 answers
This is an example of how a retrieve or create flow would look like. Hope it helps.
Daan Verweij
I think it is because of the datasource microflow. Everytime you open this page a new (probably empty) Value entry is created. You could change the microflow to do a retrieve on the first entry of Value in the database and return that. This only works if there already is an entry in your database, otherwise you need to include a retrieve or create.