Turning Pages into PDFs

I am building an app where we want a popup to show with all of the data that a user input in a pdf viewer (with the hopes of making this popup reusable). Is there a way to take a page I have and turn it into a pdf/screenshot? (I know there is the screenshot widget, but that can only be used as a button)
3 answers

You can develop something that allows you to use xHTML for generic document templates.  Whole sections of your document will then all be xHTML content generated dynamically.  Inside of your xHTML you can pass dynamic data (tables included) and generate documents generically.  This is very time consuming to get all your documents pixel perfect though (depending on the complexity of your document).  This will still make use of the document template as Mike mentioned above.

You may be better off making use of a document generating solution for this.   These document generating solutions typically ingest data through something like an OData interface and generates documents.  Authoring documents like these take hardly any time at all (hours usually) and are typically edited through the Microsoft product suite (it is based on xml).  This means you can get it pixel perfect quite easily.  There are a few options on the market (a quick Google search for “Document Generation Software” will give you a few options).  If you only have one document, you will likely be better off developing a solution yourself.  The business case for getting a document generation solution can however quickly be made the more different types of documents you have to create.



To do this, you’ll need to create a PDF document inside of Mendix.  You can use a document template combined with a microflow to create the PDF.  See the documentation here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/creating-your-own-documents

Hope that helps,



Try this Appstore widget and see if it will work for you:

Print Screen to PDF

