Where to write custom css code in Mendix Studio 8.4.1?

Hi, Previously I was using Mendix Version 7.23.4. In this version I wrote my custom css code at location :theme\styles\css\custom within custom.css file. And I am using class name in desktop modeler widgets at common->Class. Now currently I am using Mendix Studio 8.4.1. In this version I am not able to found path and custom.css file to write my custom css code. Where should I write my custom css code?, what location?, which file? Note :Below I am not able to choose Mendix Version 8.4.1, so I put unknown
2 answers

<Projectdir>\theme\styles\web\sass\main.scss has as last lines:

// Custom
@import 'app/custom';

So: <Projectdir>\theme\styles\web\sass\app\custom.scss


My advice would be to not write your styling in custom.css because of someone else compiles the scss files of your app, your own work gets overwritten. You should, like Tim suggests, write your styling in de scss files and use Calypso or Koala to get your css files.  Also see Calypso docs
