Constraint reacts different on server then on local computer

I have a testserver running with the same data in it as on the local computer. I have a dataview with the object "Order", in this dataview is a datagrid with the object "Questionnaire". There is a reference between them from "Questionnaire" to "Order". All the context options on the datagrid are set on default (local and server). When I open the dataview with "Order" on the testserver it shows all it's connected "Questionnaires" (this is the good result). When I do the same at my local computer it doesn't show any "Questionnaires" at all. When I look in firebug when opening the dataview "Order" with the datagrid "Questionnaire" in it, I see that the constraint on the testserver is good: //QuestionModule.Questionnaire[QuestionModule.Questionnaire_Order='281754149584897'] but when I look in firebug on my local computer it got a lot more constraints then on the testserver: //QuestionModule.Questionnaire[QuestionModule.Questionnaire_Order='281754149584897'][QuestionModule.Questionnaire_Company='687755149584263'][QuestionModule.Questionnaire_Offer='387253149586261'] I can solve this problem to drop the context of the "Company" and "Offer", but i want to know why this difference may occure? Why could there be more automatically created constraints without me setting it on the datagrid it self?
2 answers

On the test server you probably accessed the form on which this constraint is present directly, but I think locally you went through some other forms first. If in the forms before the mentioned form an "Offer" and "Company" object were present, they are added to the context and used for the automatic constraint on Questionnaire. By dropping these objects in that context you can indeed make it equal to the constraint on the test server.


Thank you for the awnser. Now that you said it this way I understand how the constraints are build. you are correct that I have several posibilities to enter the dataview of "Order". I can open it from a Datagrid with "Orders" from the menu and I can open it from an other window with a invoke button.

So it's not that the application reacts different on a server and local, it's that I accesed the form on a different way so the constraints are set different.
