Cache images

Hi, We are running an applicaiton which refreshes a lot and we are trying to reduce the ammount of calls that are done during an refresh (to increase the performance of the app). The screen shows a lot of images which don't change. Now every time the screen refreshes Mendix will retrieve the image resulting in extra unneccesery calls to the server. Are images cached localy. And if not, is there a possibility to cache the image so that the browser won't retrieve the image over and over again on every refresh?
1 answers

Found the answer: the URL of an image consists of 2 parts: Guid and changedDate (<URL>/file?guid=53761720551737130&changedDate=1579086315349) . In this case the images didn't cache because the object was changed while the contents of the image stayed the same. Placing the image in a seperate entity resolved the problem as now the changedDate will not change when the contents of the main entity changes.
